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Search results for "flooding"

Including 7 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and frequent flooding.

1 result

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… properties and businesses were affected by a flood event along Lustrum Beck in Stockton. Some areas are also at risk from tidal flooding, as exemplified by the major incident around the Tees estuary in 2013 when flood defences were overtopped and a significant breach occurred in the flood defence at Greatham Creek. The flood had a serious impact on communities (at the peak of the event…

risk along Lustrum Beck, including the replacement of Londonderry Bridge and the debris screen at Primrose Hill (to prevent flood water backing up), as well as the installation of new flood walls (to reduce the likelihood of flood water encroaching into residential areas). In addition the project included natural flood management measures, notably the construction of three large water…

… contribute towards two or more of these aims. For example, any natural habitats we restore can help to achieve ‘net zero’ by locking up carbon in plants and trees (Aim 1), support nature recovery (Aim 2), and contribute to climate change adaptation by reducing flood risk (Aim 4). Page 6 | Environmental Sustainability & Carbon Reduction Strategy 2022-32 Aim 1: Achieve net zero greenhouse gas…

… water resources and environments: • Domestic and commercial demands for freshwater place added pressure on this natural resource, and these demands may increase as temperatures rise as a result on climate change (e.g. increasing dependence on irrigation in agriculture). • Physical modifications to many rivers, lakes and estuaries (e.g. flood defences) prevent them from functioning as natural…

…, transport, water and information and communication technologies, as a result of various factors such as more frequent flooding, extreme temperatures, high winds and lightning. • A scarcity of water resulting in interruptions to public water supplies • Impacts of high temperatures on people’s health and wellbeing. • Changes in household energy demand due to seasonal temperature changes…


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