Including 6 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and local flood.
… flood mitigations for surface water flooding in the public realm: - Currently considered for all highways projects Underway and ongoing Biodiversity Pollution Public realm Water efficiency and water quality A3.5 Implement flood risk mitigations on Council housing estates as part of investment and improvement programmes. Ongoing Biodiversity; Public realm A3.6 Communicate…
… A1.4 Embed climate resilience and adaptation into Council climate comms. Particularly focus on heat, flood risks, and water scarcity, and what residents can do to mitigate and adapt. 2021 - Theme 2: Heat Actions Ref Action When Wider benefits A2.1 Analyse the borough’s buildings, infrastructure and people vulnerable to high heat, to inform and prioritise adaptation…
… roofs across the council’s housing and corporate estate where appropriate, considering options for: - White roofs - Green roofs 2030 White roof: UHI; Health; Fuel poverty; 16 Explore opportunities for durable living walls for cooling and air quality improvements. Green roof: UHI; Health; Fuel poverty; Biodiversity; Flood mitigation A2.5 Encourage…
… Actions Ref Action When Wider benefits A3.1 Carry out Lead Local Flood Authority duties and responsibilities, and continue to follow and update current plans and strategies. - Ongoing Health; Risk management A3.2 With the Environment Agency and owners of waterfront assets, ensure hard and soft defences against fluvial/tidal flooding remain adequate. - vegetated terraces; wall…
…-mounted options such as timber ledges - Ongoing Health; Risk management Biodiversity A3.3 Continue to achieve sustainable flood mitigations for surface water flooding from new developments: - Underway and ongoing Biodiversity Pollution Public realm Water efficiency and water quality A3.4 Continue to deliver sustainable…