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Search results for "flooding"

Including 7 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and local flood.

1 result

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

…. TBC. Q3. 2021 1.1.8. Embed the new National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Ensure that the new national strategy is considered in the Local Flood Risk Increased future resilience to coastal flooding in the borough. Coastal Defence Team Q4. 2021 7 Strategy for England into key strategic policies, strategies and work in relation…

… to coastal defence and flood risk management. Management Strategy; Surface Water Management Plan; Southend Shoreline Strategy; Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment / Strategic Flood Risk Assessment; and Local Flood Risk Management Plan (Combined Essex) Cost: Low (Staff Time) 1.1.9. Deliver a new Health and Well-Being Strategy for the borough that links green spaces to the positive…

…). Q4. 2025/2026 27 Nature Smart Cities and SARCC. 3.1.4. Undertake a review of how nature-based solutions can be integrated into the borough’s coastal defences and be built into schemes to reduce local flood risk. A study of the borough’s shoreline that identifies where nature-based solutions can be added to coastal defences to reduce the future impact(s…

… and schemes that build climate resilience to flood risks (coastal, fluvial Appointment of representative to the Commissioning Board; Transforming Together Attendance at various board and committee meetings. Planning Team. Ongoing. 10 and groundwater) are monitored and progress reported regularly. Programme and Service Ideas Lab. Cost: Low…

…) of rising sea levels and increased risk of storm surges. Cost: Covered by the Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Communities project. Increased understanding of flood risks along the borough’s shoreline and throughout the borough. Coastal Defence Team, Energy and Sustainability Team and Planning Team. Q2. 2021 3.1.5. Review impact of climate change across…


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