Including 8 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and local flood.
… and farming community to encourage planting and green banking protection measures National Government, Environment Agency, Lancashire County Council, local landowners, community hubs Short term Continue to provide a timely and robust response to local flooding events Continue to provide support to residents and local businesses following local flooding events National Government…
… and impact upon proposed development to ensure the development can withstand changes and does not exacerbate the problem National Government, Environment Agency, Lancashire County Council Annual Ongoing Embed climate resilience within planning process Continued collaboration with Lancashire County Council and the Environment Agency Ensure flood defences, excess heat are considered…
… a year and there is emerging evidence of changing rainfall patterns [2]. In 2017 the Government published the UK climate change risk assessment [2]. The report identifies six priority risk areas • flooding and coastal change • to health and well-being from high temperatures • water shortages • to natural capital (including freshwater ecosystems, soils and biodiversity) • to food…
… and ensure consistency Sharing best practice, avoiding duplication of work, providing shared training opportunities The food safety technical group, forming part of Environmental health Lancashire Annual Ongoing Planning and Flooding Commitment Action Partners Timescale Consider climate emergency in all planning developments Assess likely impact of climate change…