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Search results for "flooding"

Including 5 closely related terms such as flood, flooding, and flood protection.

1 result

South Holland District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of the interdependencies and multiple benefits that are at play. Key themes Transport Built Environment Energy/Renewables Business Agriculture/Food Water (Flood Risk and Drought) Natural Environment 12 DRAFT CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY Transport Emissions from the transport sector are the largest contributors to the carbon footprints of the SELCP area accounting for 37% of Boston’s total emissions, 32…

… mechanisms to enable less productive land to be used for environmental schemes which also deliver multiple benefits to society Water (Flood Risk and Drought) Water is a key theme because it covers not only consumption and resource management but also flood risk from coastal inundation, rivers and surface water. The South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership area is particularly vulnerable…

… initiatives to improve the management of waterways and coastal areas to reduce flood risk and benefit the natural environment • Ensure strategic partnership working delivers long-term coastal change management and planning, as well as building resilience to communities at risk of coastal and riverine flooding through adaptation and mitigation with clear lines of communication between all parties…

… quality, flood protection and urban cooling can all be delivered through a well-managed natural environment together with a range of societal benefits such as green tourism and improved health and wellbeing. A new Environment Bill looks set to give local authorities an important role to play in nature’s recovery not only through putting spatial planning for nature on a statutory footing but also…

… to climate change impacts because of a relatively low rainfall and its low-lying nature with a long coastline. In East Lindsey alone, 38% of the District is at risk from coastal inundation alone, with additional risk over coming from surface water flooding i.e. from rivers, drains and localised flooding. Across the area, the considerable risk of flooding is substantially reduced by the work…


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