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Search results for "flooding"

Including 5 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and local flood.

1 result

Leicester City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… sustainably. The document applies to existing streets and those created or modified through new development. ( Local Flood Risk Management Strategy We are a lead local flood authority and are responsible for producing, maintaining, applying and monitoring a local flood risk management strategy. This forms…

… the framework we use to engage local communities in developing local flood risk management decisions, and explains how we support them to become better informed about flood risk issues. As climate change leads to more frequent intense rainfall, addressing flood risk forms a key element of our work to make Leicester a climate-adapted city. The local flood risk management strategy is available…

… on the council website at: management-strategy/ Smart Leicester Strategy The Smart Leicester Strategy will catalyse the city’s capabilities and, empowered with smart digital connectivity and accessible data, describe how we will better tackle the climate crisis, deprivation and poverty and together improve…

…-design-guide-first-edition.pdf Leicester’s Climate Emergency Strategy: April 2020 to March 2023 Page 15 of 57 Figure 1: How cities…

… and managed workspaces for start-ups and small companies. Supporting ‘green job’ creation too, in areas such as housing retrofit and sustainable construction. Land use, green space and development – adopting a new Local Plan for the city with policies to ensure that new development addresses the Climate Emergency. Also delivering further schemes to reduce flood risk and ensuring that new…


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