Including 4 closely related terms such as floods, flood, and flooding.
… stable, challenging, and well-designed policies. Already, the increase in temperature is having widespread impacts across the UK. Over the last ten years the UK has experienced a variety of climate-related extremes, including record wet winters, major floods and heatwaves. In 2018 the UK Met office scientists published their climate projections for the next century based on different rates…
… the coast in a changing climate, that coastal communities, infrastructure and landscapes in England were already under significant pressure from flooding and erosion. NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 5 Current National Policy Environment The Climate Change Act 2008 is the UK’s long-term framework for tackling Climate Change. The Act aims to facilitate the UK’s transition…
… been a long-term corporate priority area for NHDC, and it is currently pursued through our objective to Respond to Challenges in the Environment. The warming of the earth brings milder and wetter winters, hotter and drier summers, more intense downpours and more frequent and intense flooding for North Hertfordshire. These changes pose great risk to the Council’s service delivery…