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Search results for "flooding"

Including the closely related terms flooding, and flood.

1 result

Ashford Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… action to develop and promote Kent and Medway offset scheme Council has ability to offset any remaining carbon emissions to achieve zero carbon after all reduction measures have been implemented Local communities have plans in place to deal with flooding incidents and reduce loss to life and property 1. Tonnes of CO2 offset 2. Number of high risk parishes with emergency plans 3. Number…

… of high risk parishes undertaking KRF trainingSet a budget provision to enable carbon offsetting Increase number of parishes with high risk of flooding with emergency plans 12 13 What we’ve been doing: Home working is now established following its inception in response to the coronavirus pandemic ‘work from home’ requirement. Virtual meetings both internal and with external partners…

… adaptations are in place to cope with, and build resilience against, increased drought, flooding and heatwaves, and new designs account for these from the beginning. 5. Biodiversity is protected, restored and created; nature-based solutions are considered first and invested in at every opportunity. This means species are protected and, where threatened, are recovered; existing habitats and greenspaces…

… are enhanced to regain and retain good health; communities are inspired by, and engaged with, their local environment and are realising the mental and physical health benefits of such a connection; and natural options to tackle climate change impacts such as flooding, temperature change and water management are considered before other options. 6. Ensure any green recovery solutions are equitable and fair…


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