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Search results for "flooding"

Including 9 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and increased flooding.

1 result

Midlothian Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… temperature to rise, leading to climatic changes including less predictable weather patterns. 4.2 In Scotland climate change is likely to mean higher temperatures throughout the year, reduced rainfall in summer and increased winter rainfall, less snow and more unpredictable and extreme weather conditions, resulting in increased flooding, drought, wind damage and heatwaves. These effects are already…

… becoming apparent, for example through increased incidence of flash flooding and changes in species distribution. As climate change impacts accelerate, risk of disruption to transport, energy and telecommunications services, as well as damage to buildings and other infrastructure, will also increase. 4.3 This general trend is currently effecting and will continue to impact on Midlothian residents…

… resilience to climate change Flood Risk Management Plan Accessible online. Current strategy under review. Promotes energy efficiency in all homes and reducing the number of households in fuel poverty. Local Housing Strategy 2017-2022 12 Midlothian Council Climate Change Strategy - August 2020 Midlothian Council Climate Change Strategy - August 2020 Availability Contribution to Climate…

… the opportunity to enhance and protect the natural and built environments, mitigate the impact of planned development and adapt to climate change through delivery of appropriate infrastructure such as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) and implementing robust flood prevention measures. 5.22 The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 became law in July 2019. It introduces a number of changes to the planning…

… Midlothian Green Network - The Midlothian Green Network is the connected areas of green and blue features within, around and between towns and villages that provide useable open space, routes for walking, cycling and horse riding, habitats for wildlife and plants, and natural surface water and flood water management opportunities. The Green Network plays an important role in responding to climate…


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