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Search results for "flooding"

Including 5 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and local flood.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and event organisers. Promotional materials and campaign produced Supporting the organisations that carry out collections on the foreshore. Existing Low Reduced Waste Clean Water Ongoing Contracts and Leisure Water Management and Flooding Resilience 138. Identifying flooding threats Update Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. Strategy updated Low Enabling / Adaptation Resilient…

… and community partnerships Establish internal flooding working group Existing Enabling / Adaptation Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Q4 2020/21 Traffic and Engineering 142. Continue to support the work of the Tideway project. Tideway project milestones met Existing Enabling / Adaptation Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Clean Water Ongoing Planning and Transport 143…

… of the Local Plan Develop a new Local Plan which places climate mitigation and adaption at its heart, with zero-carbon policies embedded across planning. This will, but is not limited to: - Explore going beyond London Plan standards for carbon neutral developments, with offsetting a last resort - ensure developments are climate resilient and require the use of sustainable drainage and other flood

management systems - maximise opportunities for on-site renewable energy generation and retrofit - use placemaking that prioritises sustainable travel and considers a 15-minute city…


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