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Search results for "flooding"

Including the closely related terms flooding, flood, and flood risk.

1 result

Cambridge City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Cambridge Local Plan to manage water-supply and flood risks and address potential overheating in new developments. ● Measures to increase water efficiency (including the potential use of communal rainwater harvesting/reuse schemes) and reduce overheating in new Council homes. ● Developing an Environmental Management System for the Environmental Services activity including reducing water…

… of malaria. The effects of climate change by 2070 The effects of climate change are already being felt in Cambridge. For example, Cambridge experienced the highest temperature ever recorded in the UK of 38.7°C during the July 2019 heatwave. The three most likely effects of climate change for Cambridge include5: increases in flood events; water shortages and droughts; and increased summer…

… hub. OBJECTIVE 6 Supporting Council services, residents and businesses to adapt to the impacts of climate change The Council has an important role to play in building the resilience of communities and businesses to the predicted local impacts of climate change, including water shortages, overheating and flooding. We will take a range of actions, including: ● Implementing existing Local…

… change At a global level, projected global temperature increases over the next 80 years would lead to mass species extinctions, food and water insecurity, further increases in extreme weather events, flooding of coastal cities as a 1 2…


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