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Search results for "flooding"

Including 6 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and significant flooding.

1 result

Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Storm Ciara and Storm Dennis in February 2020 and the significant flooding of December 2015. Hot summers are expected to become more common and with future warming, the summer of 2018 which saw record breaking temperatures, could occur every other year by 2050. Conversely, there is also projected future increases in the intensity of heavy summer rainfall which will impact heavily…

… of drainage systems, consequently leading to more frequent and severe localised flash flooding • Warmer and drier summers are likely to affect quantity and quality of food and water supply, as well as damage to buildings and infrastructure and an increase in heat related illnesses • Changing climate will hugely impact the natural ecosystems across the borough • Residents, communities…

… of high quality zero carbon homes, sustainable buildings and public places that are resilient to the risks of flooding, extreme heat and cold. A borough that actively encourages walking and cycling as the main mode of transport, local food growing, minimising food waste and promoting clean renewable sources of energy. A borough that is focussed on the education and sustainable growth of our young…

… people Communities that care for each other • By taking action to mitigate and adapt to climate change we will reduce the risk of harm to people e.g. from extreme weather such as flooding and heatwaves • By taking action to improve air quality we can improve health and reduce the number of deaths associated with poor air quality • By acting we can reduce biodiversity loss and help mitigate…

… mitigate the borough’s greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. There is also the provision of 5 policy frameworks in the areas of strategic landscape and green infrastructure, built environment, wildlife habitats and species, low carbon development and flooding that focus our environmental efforts. Wigan’s Economic Vision The strategy sets out how our borough is made…


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