Including the closely related terms flood, and flooding.
…, Walsall felt the impact of mass flooding which led to closed parks, markets and disruption to transport. Covid-19 has thrust local government into one of the biggest emergencies in memory, but it has also shown what can be achieved when a situation demands it. Taking these themes together, it is clear that the climate emergency is, if anything, more acute than ever, while some of the actions…
… of action will result in the development of practical and cost-effective actions to adapt to the impacts of climate change. This includes a ‘Walsall Flood Community Resilience Scheme’ to provide local communities and businesses with the necessary information and support to prepare, respond and recover from emergency situations. Resourcing 4.26 The management and implementation of the action plan…
… Green Investment Package includes £1billion for public retrofit to reduce emissions and invest in green heating technology. £40million Green Jobs Challenge Fund for environmental charities and public authorities to help create and protect 5,000 jobs in England. £50million Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund. Defra / Environment Agency £200M Innovative Flood and Coastal Resilience…
… Programme to support 25 areas (including Walsall) affected by flooding. Defra £40M Green Recovery Challenge Fund to support nature restoration, nature-based solutions, and sustainable jobs. Defra £2M Air Quality Grant Scheme 2020-21. Council Corporate Plan priorities 4.29 Responding to climate change is critical to the future of the borough’s quality of life…
… and future risks of flooding and review plans with West Midlands Local Resilience Forum & Black Country Local Resilience Forum. All Place & Environment Emergency Planning Team SHORT c) The development of Walsall Resilience Risk Register. All Place & Environment Emergency Planning Team MEDIUM d) We will ensure business continuity planning at the council is resilient to climate impacts…