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Search results for "flooding"

Including 6 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and flooding events.

1 result

Adur District Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… reserves, provider of advice and data for landowners and educational activities for the public. Currently working on ‘Help Our Kelp’, pollinator corridors and flood management. Arun to Adur Cluster Farm Group Network of farms which work to deliver improved landscapes and farming practices for the benefit of wildlife at landscape-scale. Projects include…

… Green Tides members, TCV, Tree Action UK and AWC. Trees slow rainfall through the canopy, help drainage, absorb water, sequester carbon and provide urban cooling. Eco Open Houses Open houses trail across Adur and Worthing, showcasing home improvements that reduce carbon emissions and create resilience for drought or flooding events. Shoreham Port sea…

… The restoration of 1km of river includes natural flood management systems, ensuring rainwater is slowed across a landscape, creating important habitat and protecting water sources from pollution. What Needs to Happen Next: https…

… and household improvements, to natural flood management and emergency planning for essential services. The groups and networks which already exist are themselves great examples of community collaborations, ideas in action and inspiring stories. As we expand local digital capacity, we can innovate working practices and rethink our public realm. In 2030 our vision…

… trail across Adur and Worthing, showcasing home improvements that reduce carbon emissions and create resilience for drought or flooding events. Care Without Carbon Worthing Hospitals are involved in the NHS scheme to reduce carbon emissions across the health estates. FingerPrints not Footprints Group of young people at Chatsmore Catholic High School (now Oscar…


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