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Search results for "flooding"

Including 6 closely related terms such as flooding, flood, and increased flooding.

1 result

Warwick District Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… regimes and support adaptation measures such as tree planting for carbon sequestration and ‘cooling-off’ benefits  Use Council owned land to increase biodiversity and carry out tree planting  Continue to work with Environment Agency, WCC, business organisations and community groups to develop flood mitigation measures and tree planting schemes across the district  Ensure that the Local…

… is to translate the current momentum into coordinated action across all areas for which councils have a direct responsibility and to embed it into all their policies and strategies. Climate change will affect many of the services provided by local authorities. Impacts could range from increased flooding, drought, health impacts as well as more frequent heatwaves. Local authorities have…

… (75,000 acres) of annual tree planting promised in the manifesto.” Item 6 / Page 54 WDC Climate Emergency Action Programme ~ MAIN REPORT ~ 31.1.2020 19 The CCC also highlights the importance of addressing the need for adaptation if we are to be prepared for the changes ahead; these include addressing flood risk, managing the risks from extreme heat, reducing the risk of drought…


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