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Search results for "flooding"

Including 4 closely related terms such as flood, flooding, and flash flooding.

1 result

Malvern Hills District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of the other impacts of climate change, such as flash flooding, drought, etc. However, much of the potential of these systems has been disrupted by human activity. As part of our plan, we have an opportunity to repair some of this damage. Protecting, maintaining, expanding and connecting the district’s existing high quality habitats will create a resilient network of biodiverse sites. Many…

…, the top ten warmest years for the UK have occurred since 2002. Looking ahead to future years, both in Worcestershire and across the UK, we can expect to see on average warmer and wetter winters, hotter and drier summers, and more frequent episodes of extreme weather, ie more intense episodes of rainfall at all times of the year, flooding, droughts and heatwaves. For example, the chance…

…, flooding etc. Households across Malvern currently generate on average 4.9 tonnes of carbon emissions per person, every year, including transport. According to the latest five year housing land supply report, 217 homes per year need to be built across the district up until 2030, with a further 1,940 proposed to 2041 as part of the SWDP Review. Based on an average household size of 2.35…


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