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Search results for "flooding"

Including the closely related terms flooding, flood, and flood risk.

1 result

Vale of Glamorgan Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the Vale and work with schools and business to reduce waste and improve recycling rates. • Build a new Resource Recovery Centre in the Western Vale. • Commit to avoiding the export of any residual waste or recycling materials from the UK. Work with partners to reduce the risk of flooding, manage our coastline and encourage everyone to take a more responsible approach to water use…

…. • Implement a Flood Risk Management Plan and a Shoreline Management Plan. • Ensure Sustainable Urban Drainage measures are delivered. • Promote water efficiency measures in our work and buildings. 16 • Encourage the re-use of rainwater where possible. Reduce the amount of energy we all use and lead by example sourcing our energy from clean and renewable sources and working…

… Strategy (in development) • Local Housing Strategy • Local Transport Plan (LTP) 2015-30 • Active Travel projects • Local Development Plan 2011-26 • Relevant Supplementary Planning Guidance • Green Infrastructure Strategy (in development) • Biodiversity Forward Plan • Flood Risk Management Strategy • Shoreline Management Plan Our Insight If we are to successfully meet…

… temperatures continue to rise this means a range of damaging consequences including heatwaves, more intense rainfall and the oceans will continue to warm and acidify and sea levels will rise. Severe, and irreversible impacts on people and ecosystems are also more likely and globally, there will be more shortages of food and water and increased coastal flooding. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant…

… Change Risk Assessment summary for Wales identifies key risk areas, where more action is needed: • Risks to infrastructure (from all sources of flooding). • Risks to public water supplies from drought and low flows. • Some land management practices exacerbating flood risk. • Risks to ecosystems and agriculture businesses from changes in climatic conditions. In 2020 Natural Resources…


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