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Search results for "flooding"

Including 11 closely related terms such as floods, flooding, and flood.

1 result

Derbyshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. In addition to these events, the Climate Change Risk Assessment process identified flooding as the climatic variable posing the most significant threat to Council services within the 2020s time slice (2010-2039). Much of the work within this Action Plan relating to flood risk is driven by the Flood Water Management Act 2010. As the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) within Derbyshire, the County…

… Ongoing Officer time Lead: Highway Asset/Flood Risk Management Produce Derbyshire’s Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, in accordance with European Directives. High May 2011 Officer time Completed Lead: Highway Asset/Flood Risk Management In line with the requirements of the Flood and Water Management Act, Develop a Local Flood Risk Management High Dec 2013 Officer time…

… studies to improve knowledge of vulnerabilities across Derbyshire Commission detailed modelling (in partnership with the Environment Agency) of surface water flooding, ‘flood High June 2012 Officer time Completed Lead: Highway Asset/Flood Risk Management Others: Environment Agency, Emergency hotspots’ within Derbyshire Planning; SFB Map historical flood events

… (river flooding) / Damp and / or water logged soils Pluvial flooding (flash floods from rainfall) and fluvial flooding leading to soil erosion of cover systems (contaminant specific) Contaminants are mobilised resulting in risk to human health and environment Contaminated Land High High Flooding of residential properties Displaced people Emergency Planning, Adult Care High…

… Very High Contamination of residences and need for increased waste collection after event Emergency Planning Medium High Pluvial flooding (flash floods from rainfall) Industrial technical failure e.g. substation / sewerage pumping station Emergency Planning Medium High Structural damage to roads and flood defences e.g. Erosion / landslides Emergency Planning, Highways…


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