Including 4 closely related terms such as flooding, flood protection, and flood protection.
… resilience through: } Understanding the climate change risks to and opportunities in our natural environment. } Promoting green infrastructure suitable for changing climates. } Enhanced flood protection and water management. Portsmouth City Council Climate Change Strategy 3.2.6 Engagement and partnerships This Climate Change Strategy is to be delivered through the subsequent carbon action…
…: } Summers will be warmer and drier, meaning an increased chance of drought, wildfires, and heat stress, particularly to those who are more exposed, such as outdoor workers, or community members who are more vulnerable such as older people and babies, and those with underlying health conditions 5. } Winters will be warmer and wetter, meaning an increased frequency and severity of flooding…
… change risks, potential impacts and any opportunities to our operations. } Build resilience in our operations and assets. } Seeking funding for resilience-building activities from internal and external sources. } Increase green infrastructure within our estate to reduce urban heating, risks of flooding, stabilise soils and benefit resilience of our biodiversity. } Identifying training…
… Portsea Island scheme } 8.4 km of new flood defences, reducing the risk of flooding to over 4,000 homes and 500 businesses for the next century. CITY-WIDE Surface water management plan } Identification of the most at-risk areas for surface water flooding in Portsmouth. CITY-WIDE Southsea coastal scheme } 4.5 km of new flood defences, reducing the risk of flooding to over 8,000 homes…