Including the closely related terms flooding, flood risk, and flood.
… such as tree planting will be necessary, while also supporting the quality and range of biodiversity and implementing natural flood risk measures. The Council will need to determine its approach to this prioritisation within its land assets. 1.8 The Council recognises it has a contribution to make towards the ‘Team Wales’ target3 of a net zero public sector and therefore will use the learnings from…
… zero. 1.9 The impacts of climate change are already upon us, and it is vital that future thinking is developed to consider climate change adaptation within flood risk, building construction, access to green space, the travel network and increasing local green skills. 1United Nations (2015), The Paris Agreement. 2 Welsh Government (2019…
… activity is affecting the climate on a scale that is having detrimental effects on all living things. The Paris Climate Change Agreement 2015 recognised the need to accelerate actions and invest to reduce impacts on the environment1. If we do nothing, the potential implications will be detrimental to our communities through risk to health and well-being, flooding, extreme heat, disruption…
…/climatechange/paris-agreement C l i m a t e C h a n g e S t r a t e g y The Climate Emergency 2.1 Global heating is expected to generate significant sea level rises and more frequent and heavy extreme weather effects. The actual impacts of the climate crisis can already be seen in terms of storms, flash flooding and drought, causing water damage, surface water drainage…
… issues, and destruction of aged green spaces resulting in increased maintenance of roads, buildings, flood defences and loss of ancient woodland. This threatens human life, as well as access to adequate energy, water, food and housing as essential human requirements for effective health, wellbeing and future resilience. A more heated and unstable climate also affects the natural environment…