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Search results for "flood risk"

Including 4 closely related terms such as flooding, local flood, and flood.

1 result

Mid Sussex District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of Local Flood Risk Management Strategy by April 2019 MSDC Team Leader & Drainage Engineer Prevent flood risk as far as possible Existing Budget Consider the Climate Change Impacts in Business continuity Risk assessment to be undertaken during the annual review of the Council’s Emergency and Business Continuity Plans and Severe Weather Plan by April 2019 MSDC Emergency Planning…

… and healthier lifestyles Existing Budget Consider Climate Adaptation Ensure Climate Adaptation is Factored into all Service Plans In 2009 an adaptation questionnaire was completed by all BULS. Update questionnaire by November 2018. MSDC Sustainability Officer Increased resilience to climate change impacts Existing Budget Flood Risk Review the condition of drainage assets in context…

… through Planning Policy and the District Plan. In terms of land use and the built environment it is about ensuring that development in Mid Sussex is more sustainable. This theme also covers work to support sustainable economic growth. Areas of activity include sustainable transport; waste minimisation and recycling; water conservation and flooding, air quality; energy efficiency and carbon reduction…

… 13 Rainwater Garden Demonstrator Rainwater Garden Project being initiated in St Johns Park by March 2020 MSDC Flood and Drainage Surveyor Reducing local flooding and maximizing water reuse Subject to existing budget and application for external funding Sustainability Strategy February 2018 14 SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES This focuses on the environmental…


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