Including 4 closely related terms such as floods, flooding, and flood.
… Reduction of emissions via enablement and partnership Domestic energy; District-wide decarbonisation opportunities; planning for active travel; actions within the local plan Climate change resilience District and parish resilience plans (heatwaves, floods, drought) Biodiversity Mapping for nature recovery 7 improvements in other areas. The list of medium and long term tasks should…
… plans Project owner UDC and parishes Initiative Review resilience plans in the light of potential for heatwaves and flooding. Cost From existing resources / potentially requires some investment in infrastructure The indicator of success is Up to date local (district/parish) resilience plans in place with an emphasis on resilience to extreme heatwaves (lessons learned from Canada…
…) and flooding, and lessons learned from pandemic First milestone Working with Public Health England and Met Office which are both in early stages of working out what guidelines to publish. Uttlesford is one of the first districts (or the first) to contact these national bodies about this. Clearer picture to be in place by end 2021 Follow-on work As per recommendations from the Government…