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Search results for "flood risk"

Including 8 closely related terms such as floods, flood prevention, and flood resilience.

1 result

Sheffield City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… these interventions, and Sheffield has been at the forefront of green roof development in the UK. Through the City’s Flood Programme we have invested more than £25m in flood risk reduction since the devastating floods of 2007 directly protecting over 500 businesses and approx. 350 homes. £15m of schemes are now in delivery and development to protect a further 100 homes and over 150 more businesses…

…. Between now and 2027 more than £50m of further investment is planned across the Sheaf, Porter and Blackburn Brook to protect 750 homes and over 500 businesses. We already focus a lot of our resilience work on nature-based solutions to flood prevention, including our internationally acclaimed Grey to Green programme of Sustainable Urban Drainage interventions, moorland restoration and natural…

… city • Use the opportunity of the development of the Local Plan to futureproof our planning framework. • Invest in flood risk reduction measures to better protect existing property and infrastructure and to enable resilient investment. • Identify and look for funding to deliver interventions to mitigate the impacts of climate change. 4. Supporting our people and businesses to adapt • Our…

Flood Programme includes providing flood resilience guidance for people and businesses. P age 36 P age 37 T his page is intentionally left blank P age 38 6 Draft 10-Point Plan for Climate Change Action Sheffield 10 Point Plan …

… and cyclists, as well as businesses and residents in the areas around Kelham and Riverside and provides sustainable urban drainage as well as flood resistant planting for biodiversity. Heart of the City Ensuring viability of developments is an ongoing challenge in a city where prices of property and office space are relatively low in comparison with many places in the UK…


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