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Search results for "flood risk"

Including 4 closely related terms such as floods, flooding, and flood.

1 result

East Hampshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… East Hampshire. Terrible images of flooding, severe weather events, storms and heatwaves and the devastating effects they have are seen with increasing frequency. In July 2019, East Hampshire District Council declared a Climate Emergency. The Council resolved to take action to make all Council Services carbon neutral as soon as reasonably practicable or in any case by 2050 in line…

floods, storms and high winds, heatwaves, and summer droughts have caused a climate crisis. Human activity is responsible for the climate crisis. Burning fossil fuels, intensified agriculture, polluting industrial processes and the clearance of vegetation accelerate the impact of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The impact is recognised globally. National and International Policy…

… change by continuing to cut GHG emissions, while adapting to reduce its impact through risk assessments and responses to floods, heatwaves, new pests and disruption to food production. East Hampshire District Council Climate and Environment Strategy 2020-2025 Page 7 of 16 East Hampshire District Council in declaring a Climate Emergency, acknowledges the global climate crisis…

… performance standards is important. o Tourism is an important part of our economy, but it can put pressure on the local environment. We need to balance access to the countryside, whilst protecting priority habitats of nature conservation importance. o Farming and agriculture in the area as well as other businesses can be impacted by flooding rivers flooding, but surface water and groundwater…

flooding also present hazards. We also need to reduce carbon emissions from food production and protect the soil. o Fresh water supplies are under pressure due to population growth. Over 80% of the District is underlain by a principal aquifer and 40% within a Groundwater Source Protection Zone, so the challenge is to limit extraction of fresh water but maintain our targets for new homes…


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