Including 7 closely related terms such as flooding, flood protection, and flood protection.
… and reduce coastal erosion. December 2020 JG Develop an approach that provides for carbon offsetting and carbon sinks. EDDC CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN 2020 – 2040 (Ten Point Plan v7) ADAPTATION Objective 10 EDDC will consider the effects of climate change on policy…
… of existing buildings (public and private sector); (4) protecting and enhancing the natural environment; (5) water supply and flood protection; (6) transport and travel; (7) purchasing and consumption; (8) community resilience; (9) education, communication and influencing behaviour. We need to be brave and bold if we are genuinely committed to reducing our carbon footprint, and ensuring residents…
… on the Council Ensuring that planting in open spaces owned or managed by the Council is drought resistant and requires less watering. March 2021 AH Adopt a fresh planting regime that has regard to climate change implications. Objective 9 EDDC will continue to manage the risk of coastal and fluvial flooding in East Devon in collaboration with partners and work to improve flood resilience…
… September 2019 JG Part of our ongoing flood and coastal protection work. Identify areas of flood risk and produce plans to reduce the risk of flooding. There will be significant cost implications but these are unknown at this stage Introduce a climate adaptation risk assessment tool and provide a support service to managers to undertake the assessment in their Services. March…
… and the management of open spaces, developing the volunteering programme. Manage demand for and supply of water to reduce the expected impact of water shortages on consumers and on wildlife. Encourage rain water harvesting. Reduce the risk of damage to infrastructure and assets due to flooding. December 2021 AE Work with water supply companies to ensure water security in the future…