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Search results for "flood risk"

Including 5 closely related terms such as flooding, flooding impact, and flooding impact.

1 result

St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… must also adapt to climate consequences so we can protect ourselves and our communities. After flooding in 2013 and 2015 at West End Road the Council investigated options to reduce flooding impacting several households and business in this area, however traditional engineering solutions were not possible to reduce the flood risk at this location. St Helens Council and the Environment Agency…

… joined in partnership with the University of Liverpool and specialist consultants to undertake further assessment with the aim to investigate natural flood management opportunities. At the time Natural England were looking for opportunities to enhance local biodiversity areas and brought them on the project to trial potential log jams for both flood risk and pollution control. The trial works…

… gases have accumulated in the atmosphere, and their warming effect is now leading to rising sea levels and the breakdown of our climate. It is likely to mean warmer wetter winters and hotter drier summers with more extreme weather events such as greater flooding and heatwaves. It is identified as the single greatest threat humanity has ever faced. What do we mean by net zero carbon…

… that our own journeys are more sustainable, engaging actively with our staff to incentivise active and sustainable travel modes and increasing access to electric vehicle charging infrastructure within the Council’s vehicle fleet. PROMOTING ACTIVE TRAVEL T R A N S P O R T 3736 FLOOD MANAGEMENT C L I M A T E A D A P T I O N As we try to cut emissions and slow the pace of global warming, we…

… where then installed in 2016 following work with the partnership group. The flood adaptation works included 4 ‘leaky dams’ - natural dams made from tree trunks which were placed in series within the old mill dam area, attenuating 2,500 m³ of water (1 Olympics Swimming Pool). Leaky dams, will only let a certain amount of water through, slowing the flow of the watercourse even during heavy…


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