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Search results for "flood risk"

Including 5 closely related terms such as flooding, flood prevention, and flood prevention.

1 result

Cardiff Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… to adapt with flood prevention and food strategy measures. We are embedding One Planet Cardiff into the new Welsh Curriculum for all schools in Cardiff and have engaged the Centre for Climate and Social Transformation (CAST) to help plan a city wide engagement strategy to influence the behaviour change which we know is fundamental to successful delivery of the 2030 Carbon Neutral Targets. We…

… locally; and · Using Sustainable Urban Drainage to enhance the environment and mitigate flood risk 10 11 Co-Benefits - How will Cardiff Thrive? Co-benefits are what happens when by tacking one agenda, we realise significant benefits in other areas. Actions identified in One Planet Cardiff will be fundamental to supporting delivery of Cardiff’s strategy for a Greener, Fairer, Stronger…

…. Climate Resilience: How are we preparing? Alongside the efforts to reduce Green House Gas emissions, we will need to adapt and we are already preparing. The new flood risk strategy is due for completion in October 2023 based on consultation with local communities and reflecting national climate change policy. All flooding and sea level rise projects already incorporate climate change…

… a partner ship approach, wide scale public buy-in, and changes from “business-as-usual” for everyone. As Greenhouse Gas emissions have increased, Cardiff has experienced all of the key symptoms of man-made climate change, including erratic weather patterns, air pollution, flooding, heatwaves and changes in biodiversity. This has also come with associated economic and social costs as businesses…

… and citizens have struggled with issues like flood damage, poor air quality and other interruption to daily life. The Council has started to take action, with many initiatives over the past 10 years to cut emissions and support a transition towards a low carbon economy, but now we must accelerate and scale up our ambition and action to mitigate a climate change disaster and to ensure that Cardiff…


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