Including the closely related terms strategic flood risk, flood risk, and flood.
… to the development of the Greater Manchester Strategic Flood Risk Assessment to ensure future growth aspirations consider flood risk appropriately • Established a robust Winter Maintenance Service to ensure the borough’s Key Route Networks is resilient to the impacts of extreme cold weather, ice, snow and frost during the winter months • Developed a Greenheart Strategy that focusses on provision…
… with the Greater Manchester Strategic Flood Risk Assessment; Identify developments in priority flood risk areas and hotspots across the borough 1 year then Annual Update Wigan FRSM updated Within existing resources Additional resources maybe be required once Strategy updated Internal: Planning Policy and Development Management, External: GMCA, United Utilities, Environment Agency 1.2 Our…
… and consists of representatives from Civil Contingencies, Public Health, Highways and Infrastructure, Flood risk and Drainage, Business, Parks, Corporate Land Management and Greenspaces, Community Engagement and PR & Media. Representatives external to the Council will be invited to join where appropriate. The Our Adaptation and Resilience Group will meet on a quarterly basis, to track…
…. 16 4.2 WHAT HAS WIGAN COUNCIL DONE SO FAR? Wigan Council has operated in response to external pressures for many years. Therefore there are already a number of actions and strategies in place to support with adaptation and resilience efforts: • Developed a comprehensive Flood Risk Management Strategy as the Council is Lead Local Flood Authority for the borough • Contributed…
…. 23 SECTION 7: OUR ADAPTATION & RESILIENCE ACTION PLAN 2021-2026 24 7.1 OUR ADAPTATION & RESILIENCE ACTION PLAN 2021-2026 Our Resilience & Adaptation Our Communities & Wellbeing Our Sustainability & Consumption Our Built Environment Our Natural Environment Our Air Quality & Transport 25 THEME 1: COUNCIL ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE 1. Flood Risk…