Including the closely related terms flooding, flood, and flood risk.
…, and reduced flood risk and water quality improvements from the restoration of peatlands These provide key areas where Hull can increase the co-benefits4 of becoming carbon neutral through improvements to health and well-being of its residents, creating jobs and increasing productivity. Climate change, and the response of delivering carbon neutrality, represents the greatest challenge of our…
… consequences are avoided and time and resources are not wasted undoing or resolving problems that could have been identified and avoided by viewing through a carbon neutral lens. The delivery of carbon neutrality provides Hull with the opportunity to forge a reputation as a leading authority in this necessary and essential transitioning just as its approach to flood management has enabled the city…
… to gain a reputation as a leading flood adapted city. Carbon neutral leadership will bring confidence to investors and provide certainty in the city’s journey and enable its ambitions to maximise the benefits from early adoption of carbon neutral approaches. The Council has a strong role in establishing the strategy in key areas alongside partners. Collectively, all organisations in Hull…
… to Europe and provides a vital trade and visitor link to our near continent ports in Holland and Belgium as well as those in the Hanseatic ports in Scandinavia, the Baltic countries and northern Europe. Hull provides a link to the rest of the world for the UK and one of the key entry points to the country. Hull is the most exposed city in the UK, after London, to the impacts of flooding, which…
… energy transition, our businesses are generating renewable power themselves (e.g. Croda and Aunt Bessies) and providing power through Energyworks for the UK. Hull has developed, with partners, demonstrable leadership in flood management through the Living with Water partnership which recognises the key geographic challenges Hull faces in addressing water abundance and in future periods…