Including the closely related terms flooding, and flood.
… the urgency and necessity for change. By working together, building new networks and partnerships and promoting projects widely, we can harness this energy and focus results. Many of the themes and their action points are cross-cutting and related. For example, a project to limit flooding in a particular street, might also have wildlife benefits and in turn…
… reserves, provider of advice and data for landowners and educational activities for the public. Currently working on ‘Help Our Kelp’, pollinator corridors and flood management. Arun to Adur Cluster Farm Group Network of farms which work to deliver improved landscapes and farming practices for the benefit of wildlife at landscape-scale. Projects include…
… and experiencing our living world, on our doorsteps and our wide environment, shared by children and adults alike. CLIMATE RESILIENCE Our aim is that Adur and Worthing is able to cope with changes to our weather systems, including hotter, drier summers, with predicted heatwaves, droughts, and wetter winters, with greater risks of flooding. What…
… is already happening locally: Tarring Flood Group Residents group working to prevent surface area flood damage to property and infrastructure. Multiple projects include ‘Adopt A Drain’ and the development of rain gardens, to slow excess rainfall. Tree planting projects Various groups and organisations are working to plant more trees across Adur and Worthing, including…
… Green Tides members, TCV, Tree Action UK and AWC. Trees slow rainfall through the canopy, help drainage, absorb water, sequester carbon and provide urban cooling. Eco Open Houses Open houses trail across Adur and Worthing, showcasing home improvements that reduce carbon emissions and create resilience for drought or flooding events. Shoreham Port sea…