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Search results for "flood risk"

Including 6 closely related terms such as floods, flooding, and flood protection.

1 result

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to be integrated into all new developments  Seek to include Flood Protection Policies in the new Local Plan and policies aimed at creating biodiversity net gain 21  Consider carrying out a strategic parking review to examine parking/car club standards  Encourage energy-efficient/renewable energy retrofitting of homes  Investigate the use of developer contributions (CIL, S106, 273…

… are intended to deliver a carbon neutral Council and wider area. Summary of public health implications 16. Climate change will result in heatwaves, extreme weather events, floods, disease and increased cancer risk. The measures to reduce it will limit the dangers and those activities can also have direct positive health effects (e.g. increased fitness from cycling and better air quality from…

… authority materials recycling, charges on single-use plastic products, measures to tackle both droughts and flooding and improvements in air quality. Local authorities will be key to effective implementation of the proposals. 2019 has seen continuing public protests pressing for action on climate change. This increased awareness and concern was flagged by the Government’s Department for Business…

… with partners on landscape scale wildlife conservation programmes e.g. Stour Valley, Christchurch Harbour and Poole Harbour  Encourage developers to include habitat measures within residential and commercial developments. Ensure habitat measures are included in all council build projects e.g. swift/sparrow boxes, peregrine boxes, bug bricks  Investigate natural flood defence and coastal…


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