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Search results for "flood risk"

Including 4 closely related terms such as floods, flooding, and flood.

1 result

Inverclyde Council

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…, investigate potential transformational projects and take steps to try and implement them. Climate change adaptation is difficult to quantify and therefore set a target. The Climate Change Plan, therefore, details objectives for the Council to adapt to climate change. One particular concern for Inverclyde is flooding. Inverclyde’s location along the coast of the Clyde makes it susceptible to flooding

… should sea levels rise from melting sea ice. Moreover, its topography means that in extreme rainfall, rain running down hills can flood lower lying areas. There are, however, numerous impacts from climate change in addition to flooding. This Climate Change Plan states an objective to formally identify and record all the potential impacts and consider appropriate action. The Climate Change Plan sets…

… greenhouse gas emissions include the following: • Increases in the intensity of rainfall and sea level rise potentially resulting in floods. This is particularly relevant to Inverclyde due to its location and topography. Flooding can have severe negative impacts on buildings and infrastructure. • Increases in extreme weather events such as storms and heatwaves could impact on energy, transport, water…

… has implemented a number of adaptation related projects, notably concerning flooding, but has not recorded these under the heading of climate change adaptation. Public Bodies Duties reporting requires the Council to annually report on the action it has taken to adapt to current and future climate change. The Climate Change Plan, therefore, sets the following objectives for the Council: • Record…

… and initiatives that go beyond flooding. 4.3 Transformational change This Climate Change Plan places an obligation on the Council to investigate potential projects that will help achieve the Scottish Government’s objective to decarbonise energy provision and other aspects of society that contribute to climate change. The Council recognises that a step- change is required in how it and wider society sources…


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