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Search results for "extreme weather events"

Including 11 closely related terms such as extreme weather conditions, weather events, and extreme weather events.

1 result

Clackmannanshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…%20will%20be%20beyond%20reach Appendix E 7 our wettest days getting wetter (see tables below on changes to annual rainfall and mean temperature).11 Adaptation Scotland’s data on rainfall and annual average temperature in Scotland Furthermore, climate change is projected to result in higher temperatures throughout the year, more unpredictable and extreme weather conditions

… outweigh the costs,15 there are significant incentives to reduce emissions across all parts of society. Particularly since the worsening of extreme weather events around the world and the consequent economic losses are becoming increasingly pronounced as emissions increase.16 Conversely, climate change adaptation and mitigation measures have the potential to deliver significant benefits…


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