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Search results for "extreme weather events"

Including 6 closely related terms such as weather events, extreme weather events, and extreme weather events.

1 result

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… on our health and well-being and our environment. The effects can already be seen around the world today and in London from reduced life expectancy and heart and lung diseases caused by air pollution to extreme weather events like heatwaves, draughts and flooding due to global warming. The local environment affects all the people who live, work or visit Kensington and Chelsea and the Council’s…

… change. 2. Reduce exposure and increase resilience  Provide information on or otherwise make residents, visitors and workers in the borough aware of ways in which they can avoid exposing themselves to poor air quality and extreme weather events.  Manage climate change risks from extreme weather events through sustainable adaptation measures, in particular for more vulnerable people…


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