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Search results for "extreme weather events"

Including 6 closely related terms such as extreme weather events, weather events, and extreme weather.

1 result

Chesterfield Borough Council

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… will mean significant changes to the way we live. The earth is already approximately 1°C hotter than before the Industrial Revolution. While it may seem slow from a human perspective, the climate is responding and will continue to respond for many years to come. As well as rising sea levels, we can expect to see more extreme weather events such as droughts, gales, floods, and heatwaves. This may affect…

… a short summary of the expected effects of climate change and have also provided an explanation of how extreme weather and climate change are linked.   What can we do? The good news is there is lots we can do to tackle climate change from using less energy and recycling more to lobbying governments to do more on a national and global level. We can respond to climate change in two main ways…


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