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Search results for "extreme weather events"

Including the closely related terms weather events, weather, and weather events.

1 result

East Ayrshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of climate change is already evident in the increasing number of adverse weather events across the world, at a local level, a key objective of the Strategy is to ensure that our communities, green networks and infrastructure are adaptable to a changing climate and reduce the risks and vulnerability to unavoidable events. Flood Prevention 59. East Ayrshire has experienced a number of adverse…

weather events in recent years and flooding is a particular risk for many of our communities. We recognise the devastating impact that flooding can have on individuals and businesses and working with the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA, Scottish Water and other key stakeholders, the Council has produced a Local Flood Risk Management Plan. This is supported by a 6 year cyclic action…


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