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Search results for "extreme weather events"

Including 10 closely related terms such as severe weather events, extreme weather events, and weather events.

1 result

Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… community support and spirit and ensuring that nobody fallsl victim to the extreme weather and changing climate. Within Wigan borough, we currently are and will continue to experience an increasing trend of warmer, wetter winters and hotter, drier summers with less frequent but more intense extreme weather events including storms, droughts and heatwaves. These events have the potential…

…, sustainable, driven by community spirit and concern for our neighbours and loved ones. Our Adaptation & Resilience Action Plan is the commitment of Wigan Council to tackle the urgent threat of impacts from the climate crisis, and to promote adaptation to extreme weather events, creating resilient communities ready for the future. I am pleased to endorse Our Adaptation & Resilience Action…

… of challenges and risks, from more frequent extreme weather events like heatwaves, droughts or floods whose impacts will affect everyone. To outline the council’s planned response to these challenges and to mitigate the risk, it has developed an Outline Climate Change Strategy and the Our Adaptation & Resilience action plan will be central to the delivery of this strategy. And whereas ideas like…

… cannot avert the risk of the likely impacts of climate change. As such, our resilience approach will recognise that the impact of climate change on our people, businesses and infrastructure will be composed of a hierarchy of scales of risk and impact. And our climate resilience will develop our ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to severe weather events, trends, or disturbances…

…, covering both land and sea environments2. At the regional level, the north west of England is projected to experience warmer, wetter winters and hotter drier summers with increased unpredictability of extreme weather events. We are already witnessing these changes in Wigan borough. Most recently February 2020 was recorded as the wettest February on record and featured 2 named storms. Surface…


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