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Search results for "extreme weather events"

Including 6 closely related terms such as weather events, extreme weather events, and extreme weather.

1 result

Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… to the knowledge that external pressures and shocks can heavily impact our society and economy. The pandemic has also highlighted that those who are the most vulnerable within our communities, are most at risk from the virus. It is likely, that future large-scale shocks or external pressures will be a result of climatic change in the form of extreme weather events. Current climatic modelling predicts…

… an increase in direct deaths, disability and injury from extreme weather conditions due to climate change. Indirectly, climate change will also have long-term, indirect impacts on people and communities such as the aftermath of flooding and the effect on mental health such as increases in anxiety and potentially depression if an individual or community has lost homes, belongings or ultimately life…

…, INSTEAD OF COAL.” 36 Wigan Council and the wider borough have a challenging task ahead to mitigate against the impacts of climate change and drive to become net zero carbon by 2038. Changes in summer and winter norms and increases in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events are outside of the control of humans and specifically Wigan Council. In order to prepare…

… people Communities that care for each other • By taking action to mitigate and adapt to climate change we will reduce the risk of harm to people e.g. from extreme weather such as flooding and heatwaves • By taking action to improve air quality we can improve health and reduce the number of deaths associated with poor air quality • By acting we can reduce biodiversity loss and help mitigate…


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