Including 6 closely related terms such as extreme rainfall events, extreme events, and extreme rainfall events.
… - Soakaways can be provided for each house or as structures in public areas to receive runoff from communal paved areas. Soakaways allow water to infiltrate into the ground and provide storage to accommodate more extreme rainfall events. Piped Systems/Storage - Pipes can be used for connections between SuDS elements. Additional storage can be provided using cellular storage crate systems…
… area of 3,800m2. Figure 17. Proposed soakaway locations. Under the 1 in 100 year rainfall event with an allowance of 40% for climate change there is a flood volume of 0.7m3 from the Type B soakaways. This equates to is 23.1m3. There is sufficient space in gardens to accommodate this water during extreme events. Properties will have a finished floor level at least 150mm above…