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Search results for "external wall insulation"

Including 7 closely related terms such as solid wall insulation, wall insulation, and insulation.

1 result

London Borough of Croydon

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… programmes. From 2015 to 2025 the focus will turn to the harder measures and full house retroft, encouraging 40,000 homes in the borough to install a package of measures including solar thermal technology, solid wall insulation, foor insulation and draft proofng. The roll out of smart meters to all households in the borough and an effective communications and marketing strategy to run alongside…

… installation measures in both private and council owned properties. Creative Environmental Networks (CEN) has equated that there are a further 48,701 potential measures in the borough for cavity wall, loft and top up loft insulation which we plan to complete by 2015. RE:NEW (explained in Chapter 8) will be launched in the Autumn 2010, starting a series of area-based home energy effciency retroft…

… 6.2. Where we are now The partnership between Croydon Council and Creative Environment Networks (CEN) has a strong track record in dealing with a range of home improvement and insulation schemes for residents receiving benefts and able–to-pay groups. CEN also provides sustainable design and construction advice to developers and delivers the regional Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre on behalf…

… of the Energy Saving Trust. The council also provides advice to residents within council owned properties. Croydon Council has established a good relationship with British Gas, specifcally introducing the British Gas Home Insulation Scheme in March 2006 through which residents were initially offered a £50 discount on their council tax if they insulated their homes, however, this was updated in 2007…

…. This programme will provide an important learning experience as the Council continues to develop domestic insulation schemes with its partners. Table 2, Number of installations through the British Gas Home Insulation Scheme Cavity Wall 1 Unit = 0.21 Tonnes Carbon Savings PA Loft 1 Unit = 0.33 Tonnes Carbon Savings PA Top-Up Loft 1 Unit = 0.08 Tonnes Carbon Savings PA 2006 /07 2007 /08…


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