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Search results for "external wall insulation"

Including 4 closely related terms such as wall insulation, insulation, and wall insulation.

1 result

Bracknell Forest Council

Direct link to progress report (HTML)

… benefitted from this scheme this quarter. 36 were loft insulations and 13 cavity wall insulations. The scheme has now closed, and we wait for ECO-4 due in the Autumn of 2022. Quarter 3 update - October to December 2022 We have issued our Statement of Intent and have started identifying how we apply ECO-4 principles. However, the criteria are difficult to achieve and no specific works were undertaken…

… dependant outside sensor have been identified. Following this, appropriate control adjustments have been made to run the heating systems below 18.5C. Through the decarbonisation funding award, a program of insulation has been implemented. This includes bridging aircaps, cavity wall and loft insulation.  Assessing whether a hybrid system set up will be worthwhile across sites. The introduction of air…

…. Sandhurst secondary school have taken part in an oil to gas conversion. This started in 2021 to 2022. Average annual oil use equated to 126.9 CO2e tonnes. We are waiting for gas consumption data in order to compare this.  The following schools now take part in the PSDS insulation of school buildings programme;  College Town Primary School Sandy Lane Primary School The Rise at  Garth Hill College…

…, obsolete or otherwise damaged. Will also incorporate several replacement heating systems, deploy Photo Voltaic (PV) solar cells and increase insulation to buildings. These schemes will reduce energy consumption by approximately 357,966kWh (estimated 67.7 Tonnes reduction of CO²). This equates to, approximate saving of £103,400 at current energy prices (5 August 2022…

… banding rating for all homes within the borough is “C”   Promote Local Authority Flexible (LA Flex) grants Description Promote (and measure) LA Flex. This involves installing cavity or loft insulation and boiler replacements in Bracknell Forest homes. Lead officers Hazel Hill and Councillor Birch. Indicators…


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