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Search results for "external wall insulation"

Including the closely related terms insulation, and insulation.

1 result

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… their carbon footprint more quickly and in a sustainable way. Better insulation of buildings, more efficient boilers and new technology such as LED lighting save energy and therefore money. The Council saved £1.1 million in 2013–14 by reducing overall energy use from its own operations, with some of these savings achieved through renewable and green energy. If it achieves its target of reducing CO2…

….  In the Royal Borough’s social housing stock: o Improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions, with a particular focus on better insulation and individually controlled heating systems where buildings can support this. o Reduce the number of social housing tenants living in fuel poverty.  Strive for energy efficiency measures, renewable energy and water efficiency to developers for new builds…

… commercial buildings; 29% from residents’ homes RBKC Air Quality and Climate Change Action Plan 2016–2021 15 | P a g e No Action type Action Description NO2 PM CO2 Body responsible Target/ measure Deadline energy efficiency measures. 8 B R Promote case studies of higher- standard insulation and heating systems for existing buildings in the borough Promote…

… exemplar case studies about sustainable retrofit and regeneration schemes within the borough that have improved insulation and heating systems, and which have exceeded the minimum standards set out in building regulations. + + CC At least one example a year Ongoing 9 P C L Insulate the heating systems in schools Deliver and support flange and valve insulation projects…

…: for example, upgrade windows from single- glazed to double-glazed and improve the insulation standard for Council properties when renewing roofs. + + Hou X energy efficiency measures implemented (tbc) 2020 16 P C L Explore the opportunity to install renewable energy technologies in Council’s social housing (e.g. solar panels) Through additional or external funding…


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