Including the closely related term energy.
… and foundation stage in to the first phase of priority activity in 2020/21. II. To develop a longer term action plan. 3. Size of the challenge 3.1. There has been some good progress at a national level in reducing the carbon emissions from energy and transport as well as FoDDC in reducing its carbon footprint. However to meet the challenge of the Climate Emergency there needs to be step change…
… and discuss how priority activity could be delivered. The support group meeting involved and had support from a range of interested members of the public and local groups2. CE CPSG identified a range of ideas and options (meeting 1). These were then prioritised within themed areas (Energy, Landscape, Planning, Transport, Communication, Procurement) selecting three or four actions under each theme…
… 5. 2019 Evidence gathering and foundation works Title Activity Energy Supply Enabled switch to ‘green’ electricity tariff. Planning future steps to true green energy supplies. Delivering trial of heating system efficiency measures. Onsite renewable energy generation Site assessment undertaken and key sites identified. Survey of council office building for solar PV completed…
…). Council carbon audit Review of council carbon emissions 2018/19. Community Engagement Developing strategy to support community activity. Delivering free energy audit to all long-term industrial unit tenants, act as case studies for other local businesses. Launched climate change webpage on council website. Parish and Town council and community climate action day planned for March 2020…
… Develop and resource plan for a longer term strategy Develop longer term strategy – 5 years S FoDDC NGOs Interest groups etc FoDDC to lead and provide secretariat support S Renewable energy on Council property Lead by installing renewable energy sources on Council property S-M FoDDC Tenants and Occupiers Legal Property Capital budget E EV (Electric Vehicle…