Including 12 closely related terms such as energy use, energy consumption, and energy use.
…- proofing. Renewable technology – solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and biomass boilers installed across the council estate Energy audits – in schools to provide helpful advice on reducing energy consumption Provision of Display Energy Certificates for Council buildings. Management of heating systems Building Energy Management Systems & controls - monitoring & installing advanced…
… supporting energy efficiency improvements with business, supporting city region-wide public transport and bus use, and sharing best practice with European partners. The Council’s Climate Emergency declaration identified five flagship projects: Reducing the energy used for street lighting Delivering a district heat network, with the potential for saving on Council and partner heating costs. 5…
…, remotely monitored controls to maximise the efficiency of heating plant and to reduce staff mileage Heating strategy controlling the temperatures of workspaces to minimise GHG emissions Engagement with staff to help improve staff workplace energy consumption Energy Performance Certificate / display energy certificates Provision of DECs for Council buildings. https…
… growth could add £11bn to the city region economy and create 100,000 extra skilled jobs for local people. Through improving energy efficiency and reducing its overall use, climate action will cut costs to public services, businesses, community organisations and households. Climate action offers opportunities for people to benefit from better health and well-being due to warmer, more efficient…
… activity and including: Energy efficiency programmes including controlling the temperatures of workspaces to minimise emissions; upgrading and installing energy efficient technology; energy audits in schools. Transport – making the case for high-speed rail for Bradford city centre and mass transit across the Leeds City Region, alongside measures to reduce car use by promoting cycling…