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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 7 closely related terms such as energy consumption, utilise energy, and utilise energy.

1 result

Burnley Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Growth will be managed so that its takes place in the most appropriate locations, promotes the re-use of previously developed land and buildings, energy efficiency and sustainable design; and encourages the use of decentralised and renewable or low carbon energy sources” (pg.29). 3.17 The Local Plan addresses climate change through a number of policies including those that seek to reduce…

… thermal efficiency, such as insulating roofs and walls, introducing thermally efficient doors and windows, designing to maximize natural lighting and passive heating or cooling systems; all reduce energy consumption. As energy supply currently relies heavily on fossil fuels, higher energy efficiency levels in buildings and alternative sources of green energy will significantly reduce…

… heating and insulation measures. 5.31 The Council is a partner in the Cosy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL) consortium where local authorities utilise energy company funding to promote insulation and efficient heating systems in properties throughout Lancashire. Over the past year the partnership has been successful in securing £3.5 million pounds to improve the energy efficiency of Burnley’s homes…

… until 2035. Building Regulations 3.5 The Building Regulations set minimum standards for many aspects of construction of new buildings and certain alterations, including energy efficiency. 3.6 In December 2021 the government introduced changes to the Building Regulations (Part S), effective from 15 June 2022 to require the installation of infrastructure (charging points and/ or cabling…

…) for the charging of electric vehicles for certain building projects. The projects covered include most new dwellings with ‘associated’ (on site) parking spaces4. 3.7 In 2019, the Government announced the introduction of a Future Homes Standard for England by 2025. The standard will ensure that new-build homes are future-proofed with low- carbon heating and high levels of energy efficiency


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