Including the closely related terms energy saving, energy, and energy saving.
… on all Council reports to state the impact of the decision being proposed on the Council’s carbon footprint June 2020 Pending – organising a carbon literacy course for staff. To include a section on all Council reports to state the impact of the decision being proposed on the Council’s carbon footprint. Encourage and enable energy saving behaviour by all council staff Ongoing Pending – organising…
… Objective Action Ref Action By when? Update Reduce the consumption of energy and water across all of our activities Undertake an internal audit of energy and water usage across all the Councils assets April 2021 Meter readings scheduled and are incorporate into Annual visit. Pursue options to install renewable technologies at suitable sites within…
… 2024 Need to establish baseline first – need a meaningful – non-covid year. Continue to switch street lighting existing lights come to end of life, where Council owned, to well-designed and well directed LED lights Ongoing Installed 45+ LED lights (Rayleigh Leisure Centre) + further 40 in Hullbridge areas. Purchase energy from renewable sources wherever possible Consider the purchase…
… and implement action programmes in order to minimise the negative environmental effects and increase the positive effects of our activities. Identify areas suitable for renewable energy in the local plan April 2023? To early to start – will dove tail into Local Plan process. Open Spaces Protect, conserve and enhance our District’s high quality natural environment…