Including 8 closely related terms such as energy use, energy consumption, and energy use.
… annum Metered bills Energy consumption (electricity and gas) in Council buildings* TBC Reduce by 3% per annum Stark Online Energy Portal % of energy used in Council buildings from renewable sources* TBC 5% by 2023 Stark Online Energy Portal Greenhouse gas emissions from Council buildings TBC Reduce by 3% per annum Stark Online Energy Portal meter % of Council employees using…
… by April 2020 MSDC Corporate Estates & Facilities Contribution to reduction of heating by 3% per annum Subject to Business Case Maintain Automatic Meter Readers and online energy management system as part of effective energy monitoring and targeting by April 2018. MSDC Sustainability Officer/ Corporate Estates & Facilities Effective monitoring of energy use…
… as the management of its own buildings and public spaces. Activities include but are not restricted to energy efficiency and carbon reduction; procurement of materials, managing the use of our vehicles and improving waste minimisation; conserving and reducing water use in the Council’s buildings. Sustainable Environment This concentrates on areas where environmental impacts can be addressed, mainly…
… through Planning Policy and the District Plan. In terms of land use and the built environment it is about ensuring that development in Mid Sussex is more sustainable. This theme also covers work to support sustainable economic growth. Areas of activity include sustainable transport; waste minimisation and recycling; water conservation and flooding, air quality; energy efficiency and carbon reduction…
… through energy efficiency and other sustainability initiatives. The Plan therefore aligns closely with Mid Sussex District Councils Statement of Main Purpose and Corporate Priorities adopted in 2017; Statement of Main Purpose: To be an effective Council delivering value for money services and helping to create a strong economy, environment and community. Sustainability Strategy…