Including the closely related terms energy efficiency, energy, and energy efficiency.
… and support functions in relation to use of buildings and reducing carbon. 6.1.2 Buildings: All Council new build or refurbishment projects will take into consideration their carbon impacts 6.1.2 Buildings: Explore ways to make retrofitting insulation and energy efficient heating systems more economically viable CN008 Liaising with key stakeholders, undertake to complete a Local Area…
… from Local Area Energy Plan (CN008) Existing activities and growth in the district is supported by sustainable/ green energy options Short term Long term WBC Env Delivery In progress, on track Medium/High 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030:Implementation of Council and district wide energy efficiency schemes REG003 Investigate the potential…
… for district heat networks Suitable areas identified to inform options for delivery projects Short term Medium term WBC Env Delivery In progress, on track Necessary pre-delivery work 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030:Implementation of Council and district wide energy efficiency schemes REG004 Develop the next Local Transport Plan…
… Timescale Responsibility Comment / Progress Predicted Carbon Saving Impact Links to the Environment Strategy: Statements of Commitment Start Complete CN001 Undertake an assessment of West Berkshire Council's current assets and building portfolio in order to establish the opportunity and technical requirements / constraints for installing renewable energy technology…
… of the assessment created (ref CN001) to develop a rolling programme for the installation of renewable energy technology across the Council's assets and building portfolio 2 Megawatts of solar panels installed Short term Medium term WBC Env Delivery In progress, on track High Foreword: Installing more solar panels across our estate 5.1 Carbon neutral…