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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 5 closely related terms such as energy use, energy use, and energy efficiency.

1 result

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

…. 13 Focus Area Two: Creating a Pathway to Net Zero Carbon Sub-Priority Action Output Measure of Success / Outcome Owner Delivery Date 2.1. Building Energy Efficiency Measures across our own Property Estate. 2.1.1. Undertake a review and audit of energy efficiency opportunities across the Council’s property estate (to include civic buildings, leisure…

…. Q2. 2021 14 Earl’s Hall). The focus will be on accessing Salix Finance, an interest free loan scheme that is designed to encourage energy efficiency measures across the public sector. Finance interest free loans and supported by the EMPOWER 2.0 Interreg North Sea funding project. out across ALL primary schools in the borough. 2.1.4. Deliver an energy saving

… investment project at the Civic Centre, including a LED light replacement programme. Delivery of the energy saving investment at the Civic Centre. Cost: Covered via a Salix Finance interest free loan. Improvements in terms of energy efficiency at the Civic Centre, which will include new LED lighting. Property Team. Q3. 2021 2.1.5. Ensure that all energy

… tariffs are ‘green’ tariffs across the Council’s property estate. Review of energy supplies and tariffs. Cost: Low 100% of energy used by the Council is to be from renewable sources. Energy & Sustainability Team. Q2. 2021 2.1.6. Create an energy efficiency investment programme that will detail how the Council can achieve net zero carbon targets…

… / Outcome Owner Delivery Date 2.2. Building Energy Efficiency Measures across Households in the Borough. 2.2.1 Continue to deliver an awareness raising campaign on energy efficiency throughout the borough to households (to include internal air quality improvements). Delivery of public information campaign on the climate crisis, focusing on how households can reduce…


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