Including 11 closely related terms such as energy use, energy use, and electricity usage.
… emissions. · Workstream 2: Travel - Encourage sustainable modes of transport for employees, members and residents. · Workstream 3: Council Buildings and Energy Use - Seek to reduce our scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions to zero through improved energy efficiency of our built environment, divestment from fossil fuel energy sources, and offset of unavoidable emissions. · Workstream 4: Working Practices - Seek…
… efficiency, reducing the amount of energy use required to run a building. Moving heating and cooling systems to low carbon alternatives also removes a reliance on fossil fuels. There are significant new government funding streams potentially available that can provide up to 100% capital or revenue grants for work to public buildings, with a range of funds launched over the last year under the Public Sector…
… register and asset management plan · Feasibility studies to identify retrofit work required to increase energy efficiency e.g. all built assets to achieve at least an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C · Reducing gas usage in Council buildings – through more efficient plant, improved controls, & increased insulation. Install heat pumps as an alternative heating source · Reducing…
…] · Residents/District – inform private landlords and homeowners on grants/offers to improve energy efficiency, enforcement of MEES regulation · Green Economy/Working with businesses – explore potential benefits if business invests in energy saving measures/renewable energy/green certification/carbon foot-printing e.g. business rate discounts · Try to influence partners to ensure major investments (e.g…
… Carbon Action Plan to support the aims and vision of this strategy. How will we measure internal emissions? We will continue to measure Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions and calculate our annual carbon footprint by: · Monitoring and recording gas and electricity usage within our built environment via meter readings and utility bills. · Monitoring and recording fuel usage in our vehicle…